

Threaded Chat
I’ve been thinking about making chat tools support multiple threads of conversation naturally for quite a while. Here are some ideas.

Source Citing: Making Examples Work
You’ve all come across products where the examples in the documentation simply did not work. So, when working on a hot, fast moving project, how do we ensure our documentation will help build trust and acceptance, instead of putting people off?

Hat die Kommandozeile noch etwas verloren in modernen, GUI-basierten Line-of-Business-Anwendungen? Können wir ihre Effizienz in visuell reicheren Eingabeformen wieder einbringen?

Windows Controls
Why is it that many Windows applications look unattractive and feel less enjoyable when compared to modern Web applications? And, most important, does it affect usability and customer acceptance?

Reading Microsofts announcement regarding their newest Office member, InfoPath, makes me think.